The Appropriate Circumstances To Get Involved In A Custody Battle
What are the appropriate circumstances to get involved in a custody battle?
Attorney Jason Cruz explains that: The obvious answer to get involved in a custody battle is whenever drugs or alcohol are involved with either parent, or whenever you may suspect there may be evidence of abuse or neglect of the children.
Other scenarios that I see is, the primary parent may be involved in either multiple dating relationships or god forbid in an abusive dating relationship where that parent is being either physically or psychologically abused and the children may be exposed to this lifestyle. Those are all obvious situations that would justify or substantiate a modification.
Some of the other things that I see although one parent is the primary parent and under the order has the right to designate the residence, in actual practice it is the possessory parent who is doing all of the caring for the child most of the time in either living or residing with that parent and the other parent only sees the child sporadically. This is a common scenario that I hear about, someone could say that it is the possessory parent that has been taken care of the child for some time, in that scenario you theoretically want that situation to be the status quo for at least six months, but all of those are situations where those would clearly justify filing for modification and looking to change those orders.
For a free phone consultation contact Attorney Jason Cruz in San Antonio Texas at (210) 247-9101.
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